Saturday, July 08, 2006

Happy 4th!!!

Well, most of July 4th was spent at work- but we did have a good time. We kicked of the festivities with a picnic in the classroom (a new favorite ritual). Tom ran and grabbed some fried chicken with all the trimmings from KFC and we pushed some desks together to form a great big table. We opted out of eating outside, because it was a little warm (only 120) and we wanted to enjoy our meal without sand as one of our condiments.
Yup... it was just a little warm! Notice- the thermometer only reads up to 120...
believe me; it is much hotter than that!
After lunch, we headed down to check out the "free camel rides," that really turned out to be a "free camel sit!" I guess Joe Camel wasn't feeling like hauling people around, but he posed nicely for a few camera shots!

He was trying to kiss me- or eat my ID!!!

Tom was giving out some lovin'...

Sunday, June 25, 2006

How cute!!!

I started my day off with a visit from one of my past students. He came in and told me about a new pet that he found. Curious about his finding, I foolishly followed him outside. To my surprise, there was a desert lizard hanging out in his backseat (in a box). We were formally introduced as he exchanged hisses at me. Although he was not to keen of my presence, I thought it would be a good idea to offer the poor little guy a break from the sun- so, we brought him inside for some AC and water. Unfortunately, he was not to impressed, but the move made for a better photo opp!!!
Aww... my students make me so proud!!! Instead
of apples, they bring me lizards!

Yup, that''s right I made him put his leg in between the two of us- I am not that daring... those little boogers can bite!!
He is so cute, but not exactly soft!

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Lowered my ears...

Just thought I would let you all know that life out in the desert is still great! The average temperature has been 120 and we haven't seen rain in some time. We just experienced a 3 day long sandstorm, but it cleared up just in time for me to travel to another camp for some R&R by the pool!! While I was down there, (Camp Arifjan, southern Kuwait) I decided to chop off my hair. Let me tell you- it is much cooler!
Hope everyone is doing well! Please keep in touch and let me know how things are going! Here are some recent pictures... enjoy!!!
Finally, we got a sign!!!
A close-up of the chop!

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Just a Little Sand...

We had a recent sandstorm and I think it nearly knocked us off the maps! Here are some pictures to give everyone an idea of how sandy everything gets. Oh so fun!!
This is what I was greeted with the following morning... nothing like an inch of sand covering everything!!!
The night of the sandstorm.
Now, these glasses are sexy... right! Although they are not the most flattering piece of eyewear, goggles are a necessity out here in the desert. Lucky for me, Dan had an extra pair!!!

Short yet Sweet!

Last month I was able to runaway back to Naples for a short visit. Although I was only there 5 days, I had a wonderful time and it was great seeing everyone!! While I was there, I attended to Submarine Ball with Mark and we had a fabulous time. Here are some pictures of the evening!

The view from the Hotel where the Ball was held. It was gorgous.
The coolest table ever!
Handsome devils... (Burt, Chris and Dave)

Mark and me!

Monday, April 17, 2006

Bunny 5K Fun Run!!!

(Even the bunny ran the 5K)
I know, I know... I am slacking on the posting- SORRY! I have more backdated posts to add, but will get to those eventually.
For now, I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Easter and let you all know things out in the desert are great. I enjoyed my Easter Sunday doing a couple different things, but most of it was consumed by work. I had a nice lunch with Dan (a new friend that works in the same building as I do) at the D-FAC (dining facility). They did a great job decorating for the holiday and even put out some good food... can't go wrong with turkey, ham, crab legs, and steak... no too bad! After lunch, I held a shortened class. I released my students early so they could join me in the Bunny 5K Fun Run. Of the 22 of them, I only had 4 take part in the fun. It was a great run and I even got a t-shirt out of it!!!
Ahh, yes... at the finish line with some of my students!!!

2nd Place in the Under 29 age group... CIV representing!

Friday, March 24, 2006

Kuwait City Part.I

The other day I was fortunate enough to travel into Kuwait City… which is supposedly the only city in Kuwait (according to the locals). The adventure began with a drive through a herd of camels. Well, we purposely hunted them down (which isn’t hard), just so we could take a picture. Unfortunately, before I could get out to pose with my new furry friends, we were chased away by their master… who came blazing through the desert in his Mercedes! Just another random, ironic thing I have seen since arriving in Kuwait.

Look, I am making friends! I personally think they are

very cute... but they do smell a little!

We eventually made our way into Kuwait City and cruised down the “Arabian Gulf” (kind of like the main drag) which runs along the Persian Gulf. It was beautifully landscaped and had endless amounts of palm trees. I was actually really shocked by how nice everything was and how clean it was. If you didn’t know any better, you would never guess that most of the city was previously destroyed by Iraq a little over a decade ago.

Looking out toward the Persian Gulf...

Our first stop was the “Shark Mall,” which is one of two main malls in Kuwait City. It is situated on the coast and is accessable by not only car, but also boat. Yup, there is a huge marina that you can pull your boat (or in this case… your YACHT) into and park while you run into the mall for your designer clothes. Yeah, the mall was huge and had everything from Zara to Chili’s… yup, crazy huh! It was more westernized than I ever imagined it would be. There were designer shops, one after another… Gucci, Polo, Armani… etc.!!!! Then the food court had it all… KFC, Pizza Hut, Burger King, McDonalds… anything and everything! Now, one thing baffeled me the entire time I was walking around the mall. I questioned how these beautiful, elaborate and elegant shops stayed in business when their clientel was mostly people who covered themselves from head to toe in oversized black robes? Once again, I found it kind of ironice when I saw an Arab woman holding up a red, knee length, spaghetti strap dress to her body when all I could see were her eyes… even her hands were covered by black gloves. The whole experience at the mall made me very curious about the culture that surrounded me. Man, could I ever live like them?

In the distance is the Liberation Tower, which is a telecommunication center that was inaugurated in March 1996.

After the mall, we walked over to a huge Fish Market. The outside was very nicely architecturally designed and in no way resembled what I consider a fish market to look like… then again, the only fish markets I have to compare this one to are the ones in Naples. Unfortunately, we didn’t stay at the market long because I was being chased around by all the men inside. It was rather humerous, I literally walked in the door and everyone turned and looked at me… the room fell silent and I had over a 500 eyes on me! I obviously stuck out big time… not too many young, white females are running around the local fish market. Plus, to top it off… you could actually see me- my arms, my hands, my neck, my hair, and yes… my face! However, they couldn’t chase me away before I got a picture... smooth!!!

Mmmm... dinner- right, I wish! This was obviously in the fish market! Just because I took a picture with the fish, they expected me to buy it... oops!

Sunday, February 26, 2006


So, I hear some of you want my address... well here you go! Also, below is my DSN office number-- for anyone who has DSN and wants to give me a call, I am in the
office 10 hours a day, 6 days a week!!!
Alexandra Ulrich
Army Education Center
Camp Buehring
APO AE 09330
DSN: 318-828-1058

Tent City to Trailer Row

Well, here are the pictures of my new place that I promised! Eat your heart out...

What, what... 85-B representin! I have two windows and a door!!!

Home Sweet Home-- I honestly was expecting to be living with a handful of people, stuck on the top bunk somehwere in a random tent! This is like going from Motel Inn to a Hilton and I even got beach front, well... minus the water!

The lovely neighborhood! There are probably close to 120 trailers in my "pad," (thats a military term for basically a neighborhood). So, I am moving up in the world-- I was in a tent at first and now I have 1/2 a trailer... oh yeah!

Connected at the hip....

Above: The entrance to my wonderful dwelling!

I am slowly settling into Camp Buehring and after being here only a little over a week, it is really starting to feel like home! The roommate dilemma has been taken care of and now I am living it up in my new digs on the other side of the Camp. That's right... I have been moved to a trailer where I get to enjoy half of it all to myself. I have my own entrance and share a bathroom with the female that lives on the other side of the trailer. Now, I refer to her as "the female," only because I have yet to meet her. From my understanding, she is another contractor that has a place out in town, as well as 1/2 my trailer. So, in the last 3 nights-- I have yet to see her. Not too bad... it's like night and day from what I was putting up with from the AAFFES girls! Don't worry, I will have pictures to come, I promise!

Above: Some poor guy walking by that I used to prove my point-- oh, another thing... I only see people dressed in camouflage or in PT gear!

So, now on to what I really wanted to cover. One of the many things here that has absolutely amazed me is the fact that a soldier's weapon REALLY becomes part of his or her body. Now, I know this sounds crazy-- but I am not exaggerating in any way. Where ever that soldier goes, his weapon goes with him. That's right, breakfast, lunch and dinner, that darn weapon is right by their side. If you need something to snuggle with at night-- it's cool, you've got your gun! Or, need to use the bathroom... don't worry you're not going alone, you have your lovely M-16 to keep you company! During my first time at the gym I wasn't sure what to think... everyone had their weapons slung over their shoulder as they were curling dumbbells-- honestly one of the oddest things I have seen. The best part is, the soldiers don't even act like they are a bother to them. Personally, I am not sure how I would handle carrying around a bulky, awkward, heavy object that was roughly the length of a yard stick and that was very unforgiving if it clocked you the wrong way. Then again, if I knew that it would save my life-- I would have no problem lugging that bad boy around. I guess it is just one of those things that you just don't see normally and I am sure I will get use to it.