Friday, January 06, 2006

J-Ville Finally

So, after close to 27 hours of traveling, Lindsay was finally able to rescue me from the airport early Wed. morning (we're talking 3 AM). Wednesday was composed of mostly sleeping and catching up and then that night (01/04/06) we went out to Po-Boys to watch the USC vs. Texas game. After the game we wondered over to the Flies-Tie and that is where we fished off the night.
Lindsay and I at Po-Boys... my first night out and definitely not my last!!
Sean and I... good times!!! It had been awhile.
B to the arret... hahaha! If you can't figure that out... it's Barret and I!
Car bombs, my favorite and yes... I kicked everyones butt!!!!
Soccer pals from back in the day that I ran into at The Flies Tie! From left, Emily, Becca, myself and Jess.


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